The Essence of Ayurveda

The EASTWEST Ayurveda & Yoga team: Dr Sharma, Dr Jaspreet, Beatrice Lemm and Lee Zivanovic are offering a FREE 2 week Ayurveda program in May.

'The Essence of Ayurveda'
Wednesday 20th May
10.30am 11.45am OR 7.30 - 8.45pm

Ancient literature preserved by Buddhist monks suggests that Ayurveda evolved as a philosophical tradition from the deep wisdom of spiritually enlightened prophets or seers known as rishis who lived in the far reaches of the Himalayas of Northern India.

Our total existence is initiated with three vital principles of energy of the universe...Wind, Sun and Moon which in turn creates the essential framework of: 5 Elements: Air, Ether, Fire, Earth and Water and 3 Doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha which are combinations of the 5 Elements which will help you to start understanding your own unique body constitution.

Beatrice Lemm will commence this session with a pranayam and meditation.
You will receive notes for you to read over prior to this session.

'The Daily Practice of Ayurveda
Wednesday 27th May
10.30am 11.45am OR 7.30pm - 8.45pm

In our second week program we will be taking a more physiological approach, discussing why it’s so important that you see your health as your personal journey.

Topics for discussion will be around: unique body constitution, dosha rhythms, daily and seasonal routines. These essential practices will; establish a daily self-care routine; strengthen your immunity; rejuvenate and revitalise your entire body systems and much more!

Beatrice Lemm will commence this session with a pranayam and meditation.
You will receive notes for you to read over prior to this session.

What do our participants have to say?

"It raised my spirits and reminded me of what is really important for my health. Especially in these times when we can get a bit lax when under duress and isolated from the community"

"I enjoyed both sessions as there was some additional info gained in both"

"Enjoyed the variety and meditation"


International Yoga Day


The Essence of Ayurveda