Winter Solstice

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Winter often gets a bad wrap - too cold; miserable; gloomy; dark; depressing and the list of negatives goes on!

In my opinion (and it's only an opinion) winter gives us a wonderful opportunity to release from that craziness of "doing" and gives us permission to slow down, reflect, renew and store up energy for new growth and rebirth of Spring. Doesn't sound too bad does it?

Don't agree? Still feeling those winter blues? Well has mother nature got good news for you!

June 21 we celebrated our Winter Solstice, acknowledging the shortest day and longest night of the year.

While the winter season represents the Yin (lunar) qualities and energies, it also marks the cyclical return to Yang (solar) energy. We are at the turning point back to longer days of light and shorter nights of darkness. If you still aren't quite convinced and have some hesitations and concerns about how you are going to survive through the next half of winter then let me share with you some Ayurvedic tips and tricks on keeping well through winter and avoiding those "winter blues"

Winter is the season when the dosha "Kapha" can get out of balance. Kapha (being the heaviest of the 3 doshas) is made up of the 2 elements Earth an Water. When out of balance, kahpa can cause numerous ailments and symptoms in the mind and body including -

  •  heaviness (mind and body)

  • lethargy

  • lack of motivation

  • congestion

  • dullness

  • fluid retention

  • sluggishness

  • slow metabolism

If left in a state of imbalance for too long diseases can develop including

  • diabetes

  • oedema

  • obesity

  • bronchitis and other lung diseases

  • sinusitis

Prevention is better than a cure! ..... so let's start putting some positive self-care practices into action. Here are a few suggestions that you can incorporate into your daily routine

  • Daily exercise - minimum of 30 minutes which increases your heart rate and gets you moving.

  • Yoga and pranayama  - start the day with 6 rounds of sun salutations. Learn breathing practices such as Kapalbhati and Bhastriki. Join one of my online and or face to face yoga classes. Super winter special 5 week package now available. Book now!

  • Before your shower in the morning give yourself a dry brush massage (good news, that my clinic has now reopened for treatments. Treat yourself to a Detoxifying dry powder massage (Udwarthana)

  • Drink warm water throughout the day.

  • Enjoy 1-2 cups of Tulsi tea (holy basil)

  • Give your metabolism a kick start by taking ginger chutney 1-2 times daily before a meal.

  • Avoid daytime sleep

  • Avoid heavy, greasy, microwaved, frozen and processed foods. Enjoy freshly prepared, cooked, warm, seasonal foods.

Latest news

If you need some help and guidance, or any further information please message me to make an appointment.

And one more bit of news......I am excited to confirm that our EastWest Ayurveda and Yoga clinic in Norwood is now up and running. Working together with a beautiful team of Ayurvedic specialists (2 Doctors and 2 practitioners) we are pleased to offer our services in

  • Yoga

  • Ayurvedic Treatments

  • Consultations

  • Detox and rejuvenation programmes

  • And much more!

More details to come!

Much Love


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