Spiced Peach and Berry Smoothie


The morning hours between 6 and 10am is Kapha time. It’s not unusual therefore to experience that our appetite and hunger for food is often low in the mornings. A common “healthy” alternate breakfast is the modern-day quick go-to smoothie for breakfast.

Many smoothie recipes are considered to be the healthy option for weight loss, muscle building and easy digestion… however recipes often combine cold milk, fruit with heavy grains, protein powders and to top it off ice or frozen fruit… a potential digestive nightmare!

As we consider some of the Ayurveda principles of food combining, such as - avoid fruit with dairy, avoid cold food or drinks, (particularly cold dairy) it’s no wonder that many people suffer from cramping, bloating and digestive discomfort.

So if you enjoy a smoothie for breakfast I have a solution. As an alternative try this warm, get up and go smoothie that is not only delicious but also give you that zing to get started in the morning, easy to digest and doesn’t give you tummy cramps.

Give it a go and let me know what you think.


Serves 1

½ - 1 cup of rice or coconut milk (depending on the consistency you prefer)

2 fresh or 1 peach (choose what is local, in season and organic when possible)

1 medjool date

1 cup of mixed berries (choose to taste and what is locally available) Go light on the strawberries

1 teaspoon chia seed and or flax-seed meal (optional)

1/8 teaspoon each of ground turmeric, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger and pepper (a must for ease of digestion)

Gently heat the ingredients in a saucepan, bring to the boil and simmer until the fruit softens.

Place in a blender and mix until smooth.


warm smoothy, no berries variation.jpg

Variation without berries… Yum!


Spiced Almond Butter


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