Health - Hope - Healing

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 Community Service

This take advantage of our FREE online health forums. Special offers are available for the entire month of May.

Read on for more details

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Picture this..........

The mind is calm, the body relaxed. There is a sense of ease that flows through the day with minimal stress and fuss. Oh to feel balanced and at ease, how lovely.

At some point in our life we have had a true taste of this state of peace and ease, and have experienced this, albeit a long distant memory for some of us.

Wouldn't it be nice to feel like this more often? Wouldn't it be a joy and relief to wake up in the morning with vitality, hope and excitement?

Believe it or not, it is actually possible and available to all of us.

Allow yourself a moment........

  • Take a breath

  • Bring awareness to the space you are in.

  • Feel the connection points where the body meets the earth, have an sense of the support beneath you.

  • As you are reading this listen to the sounds in the room, the sounds outside of the room.

  • Now come back to the breath and bring your complete attention to the sensations of the air as it travels in and out of the body.

  • Bring a sweet smile to the corners of your mouth, gently close your eyes and rest in the stillness of this moment.

  • When you are ready bring your awareness back to the space

  • Observe what arises.



This is a very common response from many of our clients "I can't sit still long enough!" My mind is too busy!" Sound familiar?

You are not alone,

With some guided practice and ongoing support you too can experience the freedom and joy of presence, stillness and peace in the moment.

Come and join us this Wednesday for our FREE guided community meditation and pranayama practice. Our very own Dr Sharma will talk us through the significant and life-changing benefits that we can feel for both the body and mind if we practice these simple yet highly effective exercise daily. To further experience a taste of relaxation of the body, and stillness of the mind we will dive into a beautiful guided practice of breath work and meditation.

Relax - Renue - Revive Free online guided meditation Wednesday May 13

Option 1  10.30 - 11.30am.

Option 2 7.30 - 8.30pm.


Wednesday May 20th and 27th

session 1 - 10.30am

session 2 - 7,30pm

Introduction to the fundamentals of Ayurveda

Our final sessions for our FREE online community forums will be a two part series covering the fundamentals of Ayurveda. It will include everything you need to know to get you up and started to a healthier and happier you.

Not to be missed!

More details coming soon


The Essence of Ayurveda


5 Tibetan Rites