Boost your immunity and live well.

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Boosting your immunity for seasonal change and fighting viral infections is most important during these not only challenging but constantly changing times. Change, whether that be through travel, external environment, lifestyle or daily routine, can be very unsettling. Left unchecked, and unexamined, these changes have the potential to compromise our nervous system, deplete our immune system, and in turn leaving us vulnerable and out of balance - mentally, emotionally and physically.

The good news is, that Ayurveda and Yoga, offers many ways to keep your personal immunity strong, resilient and in peak condition.

Autumn is well on it’s way, so now is an ideal time for seasonal health care, balance and maintenance for the mind and body. During the colder months of the year, flu, colds, respiratory infections are prevalent and we need to be strong, resilient and as close to our Prakriti (our state of good health, strength and balance) as possible. A crucial time of body vulnerability and weakness is often right at the point of seasonal change. In Ayurveda we recognize this as “Ritu sandhi” being the transitional period of 7 days end of the season and 7 days beginning of the new season.

Let us assist you to take ownership of your health, be prepared and minimize potential risk of infection and illness.

We highly recommend our clients to follow our clinic guidelines for seasonal change. This includes dietary recommendations, herbal support, yoga and body treatments. Self-care practice at home is also essential.

Why don’t you give it a go, what have you got to loose?

Set up your day to be the best it can be by starting with a self-care morning routine.

  • Tongue scraping: Use a copper tongue cleaner to remove the bacteria coating on the tongue and to stimulate the digestive system.

  • Oil pulling: Swishing and gargling with warm sesame oil helps strengthen the teeth, gums, jaw, and voice, while improving the sense of taste. Swish it in your mouth for 5-15 minutes. Spit out and rinse out your  mouth with warm water.

  • Warm lemon water: Enjoy a glass of warm lemon water to stimulate the digestive system and flush toxins from the body.

  • Breathing techniques: pranayama Kapalbhati, also known as ‘Breath of Fire’

    • Clears toxins from the body.

    • Calming for the mind.

    • Helpful in preventing and healing respiratory issues such as asthma and sinus congestion.

    • Helps to relieve constipation, acidity and diabetes.

    • Boosts immunity

  • Cleanse and protect the sinuses – your first line of defense! 

    • Neti pot or sinus flush – using warm saline solution to flush and clear the sinuses.

    • Nasayam – using warm sesame oil to lubricate and give a protective coating to the sinuses at least one hour after using a neti pot to strengthen immunity

    • 3-4 sesame seed oil drops placed in the ears will also help to improve your immunity.

  • During the day:

    • Throughout the day, sip pre-boiled hot water to keep hydrated from the inside out.

    • Be kind to your digestive system and enjoy foods that are light to digest, warm, cooked and preferably vegetarian.  Mix ghee and honey together but they must be in unequal amounts.

    • Spend at least ½ an hour a day outside surrounded by nature, good for the mind and body.

Your immune boosting tonic:


  • Fresh ginger

  • Pippali (long pepper)

  • Lemon

  • 3 cups of filtered water


  1. Slice approximately 4cms of ginger into thin slices

  2. Cut 1 lemon into quarters

  3. Add 3 long pepper pieces, the ginger and lemon to the filtered water.

  4. Bring to the boil for 5 minutes, strain, pour into a thermos

  5. Sip throughout the day. 

Some simple immune boosting Ayurvedic herbs include -

Giloy (Gudichi), Amla (Indian Gooseberry) and Tulsi (a member of the mint family)

Fine tuning your Health

Consider fine tuning your constitution and receiving your own personalized holistic health recommendation plan by having a consultation with an Ayurveda doctor from EastWest Ayurveda and Yoga. We also offer a range of Ayurvedic bodywork treatments that will also help you to build your immunity by improving your circulation.

For more advice and information on how Ayurvedic practice can help you please contact us.

0405 799 210

Let’s take ownership of our health and reconnect to our intuition and inner knowledge.

Sending many blessings, peace and love



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