Let nature be thy teacher

My backyard is strewn with large trees and multiple grey box gums. I do love our gum trees and wouldn't want a backyard without them. They are however, robbers of all the moisture and nutrients from the already challenged soils of our area. It is a challenge to grow lush, healthy plants in the harsh conditions of Australia. 15 years ago a selection of citrus trees were planted....and yes right under the gum trees. Successfully? Unfortunately not they didn’t thrive, they only just survived. No growth and certainly no fruit!

A few years ago now I planted our new edible garden with veggies, herbs, fruit and citrus trees, leaving only one small corner of space left...what to do? Well these 2 very sad little 15 year old citrus trees were on their last legs, so a decision was made to uproot them and give them a fresh start. Not really expecting them to survive the transplant, but thought it was worth a shot.

Well...18 months down the track and a good dose of chook manure and worm juice later, these very resilient specimens made a comeback, in fact they started thriving! Both the lemon and the orange tree have since given us numerous years of very juicy, vitamin packed harvest! I am full of gratitude for these little beauties!

Those of you that know me personally may be aware that like these little gifts of nature (ala my fruit trees) I have spent some time now in a state of transition. Don’t get me wrong it is exactly where I need to be and it is awesome, however it has not always a bed of roses! I have often been left with feelings of uncertainty, restlessness, disconnection and plenty of self-doubt! I have frequently been unsettled from being 'uprooted' having truly stepped out of my comfort zone. Like the poor little citrus trees, sometimes being transplanted into new conditions is exactly what we need in order for us to grow and flourish. Making that immensely challenging step forward, for example taking a new job or even leaving a current job, can be disorientating and even terrifying. Truthfully, a new path may be tumultuous for a while and take some time to establish new roots, but let’s face it what do we have to lose? There is one thing that the majority of us find challenging and that is change. However, upon reflection there is a constant in our life and that is change.

Be true and full of kindness and compassion for yourself allow your instinct or 'gut feeling' to guide you. Listen to the inner voice.  We don't need to control everything, in fact we are control of nothing. Other than being present in the moment in the here and now, nothing else exists! So embrace the moment and live 

Isn’t it wonderful how some fruit and vegetable gardening can bring about a philosophy lesson!


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