Igniting the digestive fire


Do you have a healthy appetite? Do you actually experience hunger, or do you often feel sluggish, lethargic with signs of increased body pain and weakness? Maybe the bowels aren’t working quite as they should be? Together, or as single symptoms, low appetite, heaviness in the body, fluid retention, fatigue and body pain are all potential signs of increased “Ama” or toxins in the body.

If left untreated the symptoms that I have mentioned above can and at some point will, lead to imbalances in the body systems, eventually leading to disease. If you have a strong healthy appetite and your Agni is working efficiently the body will effectively absorb all the nutrients from the food and efficiently eliminate the waste products. Low agni means insufficient absorption and slow digestion creating toxins from the waste products that do not get eliminated from the body.

So, let’s get that Agni (digestive fire) stoked up and bring the body back into balance.

A very simple yet highly effective remedy is the Ginger Chutney. This taken when your Agni is low can help to increase your appetite, stoking up the digestive fire getting the digestive system up and running ready to receive your meal so that you can digest well and absorb all the lovely nutrients of the beautiful food you are about to eat. Take a small amount of the ginger and chew well 10 minutes before your meal. Take your time to chew the ginger and allow the saliva and digestive juices to be stimulated. Ginger is one of the best natural digestive herbs for low Agni.

Some other Ayurvedic principals you may wish to observe

  • Only eat when you are hungry

  • Don’t overeat, think 1/3 solids - 1/3 liquid (warm or room temperature water) - 1/3 space

  • Avoid eating before showering or swimming

  • Make your last intake of food 2-4 hours before going to bed

  • Eat your largest meal in the middle of the day

  • Minimise intake of meat, particularly beef (which is very heavy to digest)

  • Avoid cold foods and drinks

Please note that if you have a high Pitta constitution and a strong appetite, ginger chutney may not be the choice for you. For further information regarding your unique constitution please make an appointment for an Ayurvedic consultation.

Much love, yours in good health, light and happiness,


Ginger Appetizer

  • Thinly slice 1-1/12 cm piece of fresh ginger

  • Mix with 4 drops of lemon and a pinch of pink Himalayan rock salt

  • Chew well for 5 minutes or until dissolved and swallow


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